
Cara Fornasier


Team captain: Cara Fornasier


Our team is raising funds for two pro bono charities, LawWorks and Advocate.

Advocate is the Bar’s national pro bono charity. Advocate matches members of the public who need free legal help with barristers who are willing to donate their time and expertise, allowing those who cannot afford to pay for legal aid access to these crucial services. This makes it possible for barristers to balance a dedicated practice with making a significant contribution to the community.

LawWorks is a charity working in England and Wales dedicated to connecting volunteer lawyers with people in need of legal advice, who are not eligible for legal aid and cannot afford to pay. By brokering legal advice to small not-for-profit organisations, LawWorks is able to enable access to justice for people in need.

Raising funds for these organisations is not only a fun challenge but also a great opportunity for University of York students to make a difference and raise money. We feel that supporting these charities in providing free legal advice and access to justice can make significant positive changes for many members of our communities.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors


Our team is raising funds for two pro bono charities, LawWorks and Advocate.

Advocate is the Bar’s national pro bono charity. Advocate matches members of the public who need free legal help with barristers who are willing to donate their time and expertise, allowing those who cannot afford to pay for legal aid access to these crucial services. This makes it possible for barristers to balance a dedicated practice with making a significant contribution to the community.

LawWorks is a charity working in England and Wales dedicated to connecting volunteer lawyers with people in need of legal advice, who are not eligible for legal aid and cannot afford to pay. By brokering legal advice to small not-for-profit organisations, LawWorks is able to enable access to justice for people in need.

Raising funds for these organisations is not only a fun challenge but also a great opportunity for University of York students to make a difference and raise money. We feel that supporting these charities in providing free legal advice and access to justice can make significant positive changes for many members of our communities.

Cara Fornasier is fundraising towards